Payment Questions
How can I pay for my order? link
We accept secure online payments by credit/debit card using Amex, Maestro, Mastercard or VISA.
We also accept payments through PayPal. You can then pay with most common credit/debit cards through their secure payment system. PayPal will also let you make payment through your PayPal account if you have one.
My payment was refused but the money was taken from my account? link
If your online payment has failed the funds will not have been taken from your account.
Whenever a payment transaction is processed via this website, our payment providers carry out fraud prevention checks that require an authorisation from your bank or credit card company before the funds are taken.
What's an authorisation?
When your transaction is sent for authorisation, checks are first carried by our payment provider. Then an authorisation request is sent to your card issuing bank to ensure that the funds are available to make payment.
If everything is ok, your bank will place a reserve on your account for the amount of the transaction. This will allow the funds to be taken from your account for the transaction. This is also known as a shadow.
Even after your payment has been authorised we may still refuse it due to further security/fraud checks that we apply to all orders. In this case we will always notify you that your payment has been refused.
Why has the payment failed?
After authorisation, your transaction can still fail. If the transaction fails after authorisation the funds will still be reserved on your account. Although they have not been debited from your account they will appear to have been taken.
Important: We cannot tell you why your payment failed for data protection reasons. This is to prevent fraudsters finding out what they may have done wrong. If you wish to know then please contact your card provider.
How long does this last?
After authorisation has been placed on your account the reserve can last up to 7 working days before it is lifted. This is not controlled by us, and we cannot remove this from your account.
If you would like to get the reserve lifted you will need to speak directly with your card issuing bank. They will be able to help with removing the reserve and making the funds available to you.
Have the funds left my account?
No. The reserve only highlights the funds to be debited from your account. They do not actually remove them. Once the reserve is removed from your account the funds will simply re-appear.